PimpMyLogo interview

Video til firmaet: ComputerArts.dk

Jeg sad som altid og surfede på nettet for at blive inspireret. Ofte falder jeg over ting som jeg så bogmærker så jeg kan huske siden til en anden gang. Denne gang faldt jeg dog over et koncept som jeg ikke kunne ignorere!
En video/motion designer med hjemmesiden, PimpMyLogo, havde lavet et koncept hvor han GRATIS designer en 3 sekunders filmpræsentation af diverse folks logo’er (se ovenstående video).
Jeg smed ham en mail med nogle spørgsmål til et lille interview for at høre nærmere:

Whats your full name or artist name?
My name is Tom Hemeryk

How old are you?

I’m 30 years old

Where do you live, city, country?
Merelbeke, Belgium.

Do you have a company and whats it’s name?
3 years ago I met my current associate, Yanick Vierendeels, and we fired up Feniks, a company that has been evolving ever since from motion graphics, 3D animation & vfx
till now we’re at point where we are using our expertise to guide our customers as design consultants.

What do you do for a living?
Next to design consultancy we still want to hold touch with the ever evolving design industry so we invest quite a lot of time in knowhow and R&D.
From this philosophy we have some sideprojects going on like visualart, contentgurus & pimpmylogo. We see them as a playground to explore various aspects that can
enritchen our capabilities and vision. Especially with visualart we like to explore things like photography, film, music, 3D and even cooking.

How long have you been working with design and why did you start?
I started out as an independant designer for print 10 years ago, doing flyers & posters for belgian clubs & events.
After 3 years an investor came up to me and we started a new company (urbanx) who specialised more in multimedia & youth culture.
I quited  that company after 2 years and got tangled up in a pretty heavy lawsuit resulting I got back at freelancing.

What programs do you use to create your designs?

Programs used are mainly 3dsmax, aftereffects, photoshop & illustrator combined with some plugins.
Do you have any “heroes” you look up to?
Who my heroes are is kinda a tricky question cause I’m looking at design in a broad range.
To name a few I’d say Anders Schroder, Chris Cunningham, Heston Blumenthal, Kenia Hara, Ali Rahim, Jill Greenberg.

Whats your best advice for other designers?

I think the best advice I could give to other designers is don’t limit yourself to 1 aspect of design. Try taking the concept of design in the broadest range you can imagine.
Learning photography will help you a lot when doing 3D for lighting & compositionwise, learning and understanding music will help you make better video edits,
cooking will make you more aware of all your senses, etc.

Do you have other websites i should post for people to click?
As far as our websites, we planned a complete overhaul by spring 2009 which will elaborate our vision & philosophy some more.
Current clients include Opel, Puma, Ketnet, The Entertainment Group, Procter & Gamble, Race of champions just to name a few.

Vil du vide mere om HEMERYK TOM?

Resultatet er her: USA skal hedde Barack Obama til fornavn!

Endelig… resultatet er stortset ikke at ændrer på! Barack Obama har vundet valget…. fantastisk!
Så fik USA endelig deres første sorte præsident. Det bliver spændende at se hvordan den karismatiske Barack Obama kommer til at lede USA – Han kan kun være drastisk bedre end den George Bush, som har været aldeles total talentløs!

Tillykke med sejret Barack Obama! Tillykke til USA som ser ud til at have en mere lovende fremtid med en ny og bedre leder.

(billede lavet af obeygiant.com)