29 Questions about Christmas!!!

1. Who is Santa Clause?
2. Why do Satan and Santa share the same letters?
3. Is it a sin for Santa to lure children with material goods or is he just helping Satan?
4. Was Jesus the inventor of Santa?
5. Or is Santa really Jesus with a white beard?
6. Why didn’t Santa steal The Grinch?
7. Why is Christmas in red colours?!
8. Does Santa scrape snow or does his slaves… sorry elf?s do it?
9. Does Santa pay his slaves… arh sorry again, elf?s?
10. How does Santa earn money?
11. Is Santa really a dragqueen or is he at all straight?
12. If Christmas is about giving what is the meaning of Thanksgiving?
13. Did Santa have a coloured beard when he was young?
14. Why does Santa ride in a cane when he can get whatever he wants, like a spaceship or something!?
15. What does Santa wish for at Christmas?
16. How do you apply to be Santa Clause?
17. Is it hard to raise an Elf?
18. Why does Santa hire a staff that is so much smaller than him? Hello! I think Santa has some issues…
19. Human beings have midget jokes… Does Santa have Elf jokes?
20. Why is Santa so fat when he’s supposed to be a role model for the children!?
21. Is Rudolph?s shiny nose a fake or maybe made at a plastic surgeon?
22. Why are parents so stressed to buy gifts for their children when it?s really Santa?s job… I think a lawsuit against parents is in order!
23. Why does Santa always arrive through the chimney when he can just knock on the door… really! We all know he is bound to arrive!
24. Why isn’t Santa?s clothes black – then they don’t get dirty then he climbs through the chimney!Why do people continue to shop at Christmas sales when they can get it all for free just from Santa… if you know what I mean?
25. Why does Santa carry the gifts in a sack when the Eastpack is invented… you can compare it to the Chinese using chopsticks when the fork already is invented… oh! Sorry I guess they still use the damn chopsticks!!!
26. Why is Santa always so happy? Where I come from that?s a sign of ignorance!
27. When the majority of the world laughs like “Ha Ha” why does Santa insist of laughing “Ho Ho”? Has he not gotten that through yet?
28. What is Santa?s IQ? Really… it has to be very low! Or?
29. What makes us want to believe god, when he punishes us always has a meaning about everything!!! I think it’s a Win-Win situation if you believe in Santa Clause – he lives on the Northpole – why should he care if you were bad or good – he thinks god takes care of that!
I’m sticking with believing in Santa…!

Merry Christmas

-Joke by: Mark Barner Posted by Picasa



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Mark Barner

Graphic og Web Designer. Mac & PC ekspert

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