Jeg har efterhånden prøvet at mine stickies/huskesedler på mit Dashboard pludseligt er blevet blanke og teksten er forsvundet… øv øv øv, og hvad gør man så!? Ja jeg har prøvet det nogle gange og heldigvis havde jeg allerede skrevet en guide på engelsk om hvordan man gør se guiden på: Apple forum, eller se den nedenfor her (held og lykke):
BEWARE: you can only recover stickies that you have not closed- so if you accidently closed/deleted a sticky this solution might not be possible..
I know this works if you deleted text from a sticky and want it back… worked for me!
First of all exit the Dashboard and do not open it again until you login in the end of the guide!
1. Go to folder user(your username)/library/preferences/
2. find the file file: widget-com.apple.widget.stickies.plist and single-click on it so its marked
3. Make a folder on your desktop named something like “Backup of dashboard stickie (TODAYS DATE)” and open the folder
4.you now have 2 finder windows open. Drag the file “widget-com.apple.widget.stickies.plist” and hold the alt-key and release the file in the “Backup of….” folder – now you have a backup (Make sure you copied the file and not moved it), then close the “Backup of…” folder.
5. In the finder window “Preferences” you have single clicked the file widget-com.apple.widget.stickies.plist – now open Time Machine.
6. Time Machine is in the folder “Preferences” with the file marked, now go as far back as you want to go to the date that the stickies where working. Choose Recover and Time Machine will now move the old file to today’s folder.
7. Finder ask if you want to overwrite and you choose yes to this! (DONT START YOUR DASHBOARD YET!)
8. Log out your user and log in again – and voila it should have restored the missing text on your stickies….
Good Luck!
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